Excel in building operations to drive competitive advantage

Ensure sensitive equipment uptime

Guarantee secure environment

Manage 3rd party vendors

Take all your disparate systems and centralize them into one

As some of the most senstive environments in the USA, Data Centers need to ensure security for both personnel and equipment. Downtime is not an option, but costs need to be managed to remain competitive

No new hardware required

Powered by the device in your hand and the secure Cloud

Complementary to Existing Backbone Systems

No need for any change, automate any workflow and process into your Tech Stack

Increase oversight / reduce burnout

Be up and running in a couple of hours with our Automated Onboarding Survey and OOB Workflows

Land and Expand

Introduce digital solutions and standards across your operation and portfolio at your own pace, one “pain point” at a time.

Key Features for Data Centers

Vendor Management

Manage 3rd party vendors within the confines of the Data Center, enabling them with a virtual task guide that comply with your SOPs and MOPs

Productivity Tracking

Direct intelligence and reporting on vendors and allowing you to reward team productivity


Largest Colocation Data Center in NYC


  • Director of security has used StringBean’s intuitive workflow builder to introduce over ten new workflows for this non-technical team (no additional professional services costs)
  • Property operations has been able to leverage idle security resources in off hours to perform critical infrastructure rounds on behalf of a small day shift engineering team.
  • Any anomalies detected forwarded immediately to remote engineering staff on call – saving costs of 2 FTEs


  • Developed initial set of building rounds for property with one-hour train-the-trainer for future use cases
  • Over 2 dozen non-technical security personnel performing building rounds 24×7
  • Leveraged embedded free-form data gathering tool to capture issues and rapidly dispatch for RFQs and post-work completion documentation to expedite payment

Happy Clients


See how StringBean can meet the needs of a your specific sector.

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